 A Brief History
A Historical Narrative By William Neumann
Available From

It was a homeland for the Leni-Lenape Indians before it was settled by tenacious Dutch immigrants. Two centuries later, in 1881, Rutherford, New Jersey became an independent borough - the first in Bergen County.

Author William Neumann narrates Rutherford's remarkable transition from a rural retreat popular for its abundant springs to a bustling New York City suburb. Along the way he introduces some of the town s extraordinary citizens, including the Pulitzer Prize-winning poet William Carlos Williams, who led the life of a small-town doctor at 9 Ridge Road, and the local husband and wife team who founded Fairleigh Dickinson University- a love story as much as a historical achievement.

You may click here or on the photo below to go to the web site and purchase the book.

Rutherford, A Brief History - A Historical Narrative By William Neumann

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